Snake rescues 2024.

(Solo and assists.)

This is only till 200. For the next set, click here.

For previous sets, click here.

While I have been a part of multiple rescues, these are only the ones I have either managed on my own or been an active assist.

164. Spectacled Cobra

Kickstarting this year with a Cobra. This sub adult was inside the worker’s room at a construction site. Most peaceful rescue as it went inside the bag without any effort.

11 Jan 24
Construction site, Octave

165. Buff-striped Keelback

A tiny Keelback was found at a construction site by the workers. The yellow just below the head is stunning in day light. Moved it away from the construction site.

13 Jan 24
Construction site, Motif

166. Buff-striped Keelback

A day later, yet another Keelback. Very similar in size, could be part of the same litter. Moved it from near a security gate.

14 Jan 24
Gate 3, FP

167. Rat snake

Have never seen this yellow before. This one was shining like it came out of an ad shoot. We usually don’t move rat snakes unless people around are uncomfortable. This one had to be moved as the gardeners requested.

17 Jan 24
Behind H5, FP

168. Spectacled Cobra

This has to be the toughest rescue I have ever done till date. While it looked like an easy rescue, turned out to be an hour long ordeal. The video has most of the details.

17 Jan 24
Kewal Engg., Kumbalgodu

169. Anamalai Wolf snake

This wolf snake was hiding inside a pot at a resident’s garden. Moved it without disturbing to nearby stone-walls.

18 Jan 24
R45, Resonance

170. Rat snake

A sub-adult rat snake was injured by some cats at the same factory from where I had that crazy Cobra rescue. The injuries didn’t look bad enough to take it to PFA. Released after sometime.

1 Feb 24
Kewal Engg., Kumbalgodu

171. Trinket

A large Trinket was found in between the walls of a construction site. Which made access slightly difficult. Managed to pull it out after a short chase by Chayant and me.

11 Feb 24

172. Spectacled Cobra

I was away at a wedding in Yelahanka when I received a call about this Cobra the previous day. While they managed to chase it away, this little one came back the next day. After I got back, with some help, managed to get it above the panel from its original hiding space. As I was rescuing this, I got a call for another one. Little did I know I’d be rescuing 3 in an hour.

15 Feb 24

173. Rat snake

A fairly calm rat snake was found in a construction site. Managed to move it to safety without any incident. My costume is from that wedding I was in. Immediately after releasing these two snakes, got another call from Orchard.

15 Feb 24

174. Spectacled Cobra

This one was tricky. One, it was hiding in a pipe connected on two sides of a wall. Two, it was huge. Close to 6 ft. At one point I was convinced that my biggest bag used was not enough. Managed to bag and release without too much stress to the snake.

15 Feb 24
Glade, Orchard

175. Spectacled Cobra

Today has been relentless. This is the 4th rescue. Small cobra in a nearby community. Rescued without any incidents.

15 Feb 24

176. Spectacled Cobra

A decent size Cobra was frantically crossing multiple backyards until faced by a cat. By the time I got there, it had resigned itself into a metal pipe. After making sure all the other sides are secure, I just covered the opening and carried the pipe. First Cobra that displayed a self rescue. We had to ‘poke’ it out.

20 Feb 24
R41, Resonance

177. Trinket

A large trinket was on the tracks at ABSF. Olympics is in July, must’ve be practising. I am a little off about non-venomous bites, so sometimes, I use a bag as a makeshift glove to avoid getting bitten.

21 Feb 24

178. Rat snake

A feisty rat snake got into a house. Was a task to grab it as it was ready to leap and bite. Turned out to be simple in the end.

22 Feb 24
F4, Mosaic

179. Spectacled Cobra

The Cobra that did a self-rescue two days ago came back. This time, it decided to be rescued like other snakes. During the release, we filmed it from an angle that looked rather interesting.

22 Feb 24

180. Vine snake

Very hard to miss when it’s in your garden. This one was in my neighbour’s frontyard and gave a bit of chase to grab. Moved it only to ensure cats don’t get to it.

23 Feb 24
H7, FP

181. Spectacled Cobra

A small cobra was hiding in someone’s backyard. A little bit of an effort to make it get into the bag as the bottle didn’t work.

24 Feb 24
G3, FP

182. Banded Kukri

This tiny one was inside someone’s home. Moved it without any incident.

24 Feb 24
G1, FP

183. Buff-striped Keelback

This one had eaten a heavy meal and not moving. Had to move it from someone’s backyard as they had pet dogs.

2 Mar  24
A24, Patterns

184. Rat snake

Just as I was getting ready for a meeting, got a call from a resident that there is a big snake inside their home. When I reached, it was playing hide and seek under a lampshade. Due to previous biting episodes and the fact that I was ready for a meeting, used the tongs to move it to their backyard.

22 Mar 24
D12, Mosaic

185. Spectacled Cobra

I have said this time and again. When construction workers call us for a rescue, it’s a huge sense of achievement. They are usually prepared to kill one and not let us know. As it’s an easier way to deal with consistent occurrence of snakes when they are working. This time around it was a Cobra and they thought it was a rat snake. Bagged and moved without too much hassle.

1 Apr 24

186. Spectacled Cobra

A small Cobra was rescued from Palm Grove. An interesting one as it had gone hiding under a rock to escape from a cat. After trying to coax it out, we decided to flush it out by flooding the hole. Here’s a video of the rescue and release.

12 Apr  24
Palm Grove

187. Checkered Keelback

Rains are here. So are the snakes. This Keelback was spotted earlier at the club house and we had decided to let it be. But, looks like this was garnering more attention than we thought. Decided to move it to another pond. Was a time consuming exercise as it found a tiny nook to hide.

9 May 24
Confluence Club

188. Common Krait

Not as common as its name. But, deadly nonetheless. This was my first solo rescue of a Krait. It was near a restaurant and didn’t really give any trouble to move it.

9 May 24
Confluence Club

189. Russell’s Viper

Didn’t realise, but this is my 100th venomous snake rescue. A tiny one was spotted outside a home and the gardener had secured it in a large bin. Sort of early for small ones of this species to be around. Looks like climate change is messing up with their breeding as well.

10 May 24
Villa 25, Palm Grove

190. Rat snake

Not the prettiest of rescues, but this was inside a home. Have noticed them being more aggressive when in an alien territory. While it tried to bite me several times, I managed to dodge it and move it without any bloodshed.

10 May 24
G11, FP

191. Checkered Keelback

This one was found with some plastic stuck in its mouth. Thankfully, it managed to split it out in the process of escaping from being caught. Checked for any other residue and released it.

11 May 24
Gate 3, FP

192. Spectacled Cobra

Finally, a big Cobra. This one while gave us some tough time, was calm perhaps in the way we handled it. First up, it was on a tree. Second, it refused to get into the pipe/bag. Third, this was one heavy snake. I had lower back pain and my hands were shaking after a point. Both Chayant and I had to take turns to coax this fella.

6 Jun 24
BlueJay, Doddabele

193. Russell’s Viper

Baby Viper was found by the maintenance team where they were working. Easy rescue and release.

7 Jun 24
Gate 2, FP

194. Spectacled Cobra

Daily rains have started throwing up small ones out in the open. A tiny Cobra was in front of a house hiding between stones. Gardeners spotted it. Curious but easy juvenile rescue.

10 Jun 24
B11, Mosaic

195. Striped Keelback

This one rescued itself. A resident found it in a bucket. Moved it away.

11 Jun 24
M8, Medley

196. Spectacled Cobra

Second rescue today. Looks like the peak season has just about begun. This one was tricky as it was easy to lose it into a drain pipe. Managed to take it out after a few “peeche aajayiye peeche aajaayiye” to the curious crowd around me. From the time it was put in the bottle till it was released, it had the hood up.

11 Jun 24
Basement, Terraces

197. Green Vine snake

We had the first instance of a Vine snake inside a home. Peaceful little creature. Rescued after a bit of hide and seek. Once on trees, it is almost impossible to spot.

13 Jun 24
R42, Resonance

198. Spectacled Cobra

This tiny one was hiding inside a bush. Had to search for a while before it was spotted. Bottling it while on grass can be tricky.

15 Jun 24

199. Spectacled Cobra

Good to see so many young ones. It’s a proof that the ecosystem continues to be healthy. This one was hiding in a wall. Thankfully, there were no other gaps that it could’ve escaped into. Clean and easy rescue.

17 Jun 24
Basement, Tarana

200. Spectacled Cobra

Finally, another milestone. My 200th rescue was one of my favourite species, the spectacled Cobra. This was a bit tricky as it was on a construction site. It was as quick as a rat snake trying to escape into various possibilities at the site. Had to use the tong to ensure a safe capture. Released and had a beer!

18 Jun 24