I’ve been so desperately looking for Bluethroat ever since I missed it by a whisker last year. Hence, decided to visit, Doddakere in Anekal on Christmas day with Chayant and Deb. While I wasn’t successful with the one I wanted, got 5 lifers and that’s pushed my total count to 200. Yay!
A few hundred Barn Swallows welcomed us on arrival.

This Bushlark (Identified as Pipit by Merlin for some reason) was possibly nesting around this area.

These Cormorants were fishing in groups. Loved capturing these.

A Bay-backed and a Brown bandit were also found looking for some early breakfast.

Found a pair of Streaked Weavers.

Another lifer, Wood Sandpipers.

Paddyfield Warbler adds one more to the tally.

Got to see a few Little Ringed Plowers too.

Didn’t get a good shot of these Painted Storks as they were against the light, mostly.

My 200th bird – Ashy-crowned Sparrow-Lark.

On boxing day, in and around Malhar, got the usual suspects.

Finally, a bonus shot of two hunters in one frame. Happy holidays, folks!