Snake rescues 2025.
(Solo and assists.)
For previous sets, click here.
While I have been a part of multiple rescues, these are only the ones I have either managed on my own or been an active assist.
For previous sets, click here.
While I have been a part of multiple rescues, these are only the ones I have either managed on my own or been an active assist.
The first rescue of the year was this rat snake, nicely sitting on a couch. When the house help was cleaning the house, they were in for a surprise with this one chilling inside. Moved it to safety.
This one was attacked by a cat. While I moved it to safety, it was found dead the next morning. :/
This one was curiously looking inside a hole in the ground. Perhaps searching for a toad. Rescued and released without any hassle.
Construction workers were guarding this one as it had slipped into a ditch. While it was confined, rescuing became a bit tricky as I didn’t have enough space to go down into the ditch. Finally, decided to use the tongs and bagger to move it to safety.
A small Cobra was hiding behind a lot of debris. All of it needed to be cleared before I could figure out where the snake was. Unfortunately, it went inside a small gap between the walls. After a brief wait, I decided to flush it out with water.
Men at work at ABSF were in for a surprise when they spotted a Viper hiding under a sack. I managed to use the pipe (my preferred option these days) to move this young snake to safety.
A young Cobra was stuck inside a pit. It is highly unlikely that it would’ve managed to get out on its own. While these scenarios can be tricky, turned out to be an easy rescue and release.
This turned out to be the first of the two Cobra rescues today. It was hiding behind some heavy sacks. It had to be moved carefully to ensure a safe capture.
Blame the onset of summer, this Cobra was found on a water dispenser at ABSF. It was very peaceful and went into the pipe without any resistance.
Looks like the heat is making some of these small snakes to come out in the open. This is my 5th rescue in 4 days. This one was hiding inside a tile box. Also turned out to be very feisty and it took all my hockey skills way back in school to get it to go inside the pipe.
This is the 5th Cobra in 5 days. This one was trying to enter an empty shop. The security saw it enter and called us. Since it was inside an empty room, it was the easiest to deal with as it had no place to escape.
A young Russell’s Viper was found near a security gate and had wedged itself between the gate and the wall. This took a bit of team work to make it come outside and go into the pipe.
A tiny Trinket was found inside a Clubhouse washroom. With summer approaching we are finding more and more snakes trying to sneak inside cooler floors.
A large Rat Snake sneaked into a home through their bathroom window. The residents were scared and all of them pretty much were standing on their living room sofa when we went in. Managed to bag it without too much hassle.
A small Trinket was found near a construction site. The workers assumed it to be a venomous one.
A small rat snake had entered a club house. After a bit of hide n seek, managed to rescue and release it outside.
One of the trickiest rescues in a while. This large rat snake had wedged itself in between a bar unit and the wall. After a good 75 minutes of trying everything from water, oil and half-dismantling the bar unit, we managed to free this giant.
This Wolf snake was being bothered by a cat. A concerned resident managed to keep the cat away. With little injury, it seemed fit to be over to a safer spot.
Yet another Wolf snake was found outside the sports club. Moved it to a nearby stone wall.