Memory Card Game.

Gift your guests your birds.

Option One (Best Value)

Your Birds. Your Brand.

Total sets: 1000.

Cost per set: INR 285 + 18% GST

Type: Offset

Total cost for 1000 sets = 2,85,000 + 18% GST.

Branding: Your branding with a card inside about Shifting Radius.

This option, while it sounds like a steep investment upfront, has the benefit of reaching a lot more people and, at the same time, recovering the entire cost you spend on it. The suggestion is for you to give away 40% of these (400 sets) as gifts and sell 60% of them (600 sets) at INR 500. This way, you recover the entire 2.85L (and some) you have spent, and now, these (your) branded games are in 1000 homes at zero cost to you.

Option Two

Your Birds. Your Brand.

Total sets: 500.

Cost per set: INR 325 + 18% GST

Type: Offset

Total cost for 500 sets = 1,62,500 + 18% GST.

Branding: Your branding with a card inside about Shifting Radius.

This option is highly recommended if Option 1 is a steep investment for you to make right away. You may sell these at your gift shop (if you have one) to recover the investment or use it as a memorable giveaway to some of your favourite guests.

Option Three

Your Birds. My Brand.

Total sets: 100.
(Or anything less than 500).

Cost per set: INR 700 + 18% GST

Type: Digital

Total cost for 100 sets = INR 70,000 + 18% GST.

Branding: Shifting Radius branding (similar to this) with a card inside about your place.

In this option, you can choose to give away these as gifts to your guests, who will play this game with their friends and family, which can give you some leads. You also have the option to sell it at the cost price of INR 700, which ensures you don’t lose any money with this exercise.

The Memory card game is a classic matching game that tests and improves players’ memory and concentration. Suitable for all ages, the game involves laying out a set of cards face down in a grid. Players take turns flipping over two cards, aiming to find pairs of matching cards. If a match is made, the player keeps the pair and takes another turn. If not, the cards are turned back over, and the next player takes their turn. The game continues until all pairs are found, with the player having the most pairs declared the winner.

Simple yet engaging, the Memory card game is a delightful way to challenge your mind and enjoy time with friends and family.

There are two options based on print runs that Shifting Radius is offering for a customised Memory Card game.

The beauty of this game is that almost every age group loves it. Kids are learning the names of birds effortlessly and this is by far the most non-intrusive marketing collateral I have seen work well for the different sets produced.

To make this work, I need to be hosted at your property anywhere between 2 to 5 days (or whatever time it takes to get 15 good bird shots). No additional charges to be paid for this effort.

  • Travel/ Stay/ Food to be provided/ paid for as additional cost.
  • Final boxes will be delivered to a Bangalore address.
  • If it needs to reach your property (outside Bangalore), courier charges will apply.
  • 50% advance payment on sign-up. 50% final payment two days before delivery of the boxes.
  • Copyright of the pictures taken remain with Shifting Radius. Soft copy of the pictures to be used for any other collateral can be bought at INR 15,000 (plus GST) per picture.
  • Picture credit to be given to Shifting Radius if used in any other material.
  • Note that bird photography is one the toughest forms of photography with multiple variables. While I will try to take the best and unique bird shots, I won’t be able to guarantee anything specific.
  • Following are the two options that you can opt for based on the number of sets.